Sathya Educare Competency Trust
Scalability and Sustainability Practices
The in-service intervention programs conducted in the previous year have resulted in significant qualitative improvements within school communities. Notable shifts include the adoption of the 5E model over traditional lesson planning methods, the integration of concept learning and cooperative learning strategies, as well as the development and utilization of appropriate teaching-learning materials. Looking forward, our focus is on expanding the reach of these programs to benefit a larger cohort of teachers while also ensuring the sustainability of these newfound practices. In line with this objective, the fourth phase of our education transformation model emphasizes mentorship programs geared towards fostering sustainability. Through these mentorship initiatives, we aim to consolidate and perpetuate the positive changes initiated by our intervention programs, thereby promoting enduring excellence in teaching and learning practices.
The objectives of this area are to,
implement the reformed practices in additional schools and school systems
improve the practices that further influences teacher competencies and student performance through mentorship program
support the schools and school systems by sustaining mentoring practices
shift ownership to change makers and in-house mentors to sustain the reforms and continue improvement.
train the trainers to ensure a broader spectrum of schools and teachers.